Bridge Protests - 6/23/20 - part 1

6/23/20 | Felicia Rangel-Samponaro

Correction: Guns were not drawn but clearly visible on both sides of the gate. The US Authorities and the Mexican Authorities both showed they were carrying guns on their person. Both sides at some point during the protest had a gun in their hands.

6/23/20 Today at The Sidewalk School for Children Asylum Seekers ❤️ has been a difficult day....I don’t know where to start... so let’s start with the phone call I received at 1:42am from one of The School’s Employees telling me the Mexican Asylum Seekers have decided to protest on the Bridge. They wanted to be let into the US. They are tired of living in the woods, dirt. It has become to much too handle and they simply wanted relief. Victor Cavazos and I ran to the Bridge. At that time Mexican Officials had not blocked off the road that lead to the Bridge so we just walked onto the Bridge. Traffic was at a standstill. People had turned their cars off and were walking around asking what is going on?! Victor and I saw the group of Asylum Seekers and decided to stop feet away from them. Coronavirus. Yes! Even in this situation. We try to minimize our exposure to other people. At this time people were everywhere!

Some were Angry that the US Border Patrol had gated off the US because they couldn’t cross. 3 women in particular were enraged! 3 American Women. They were honking their horns and setting off their car alarms next to the Asylum Seekers. Walking up to the Guards demanding they be let into the US! It was Shocking to see people behave that way towards others. One woman called 3 Children Asylum Seekers to her car window and told them “that if they were so Brave then they should jump into the River and Swim For It!” 😡😡😡 Victor went off on the American Woman! And reminded her she was speaking to Children and how dare she say such a thing!!! She started screaming back at Victor. It was awful.

Eventually, Mexican Military showed up and cleared everyone off the Bridge except for the Asylum Seekers and Victor & I. We were the only 2 Americans on the Bridge. I think they left us alone because they weren’t sure if we were Asylum Seekers or not. Once Everyone who was not an Asylum Seeker or Mexican Authorities or Victor and I were taken off the Bridge it became quiet. Watch my videos if you want proof. Victor and I started taking turns napping on the Bridge. We didn’t know how long the protest would last so we figured we would rest while we could. The Asylum Seekers were napping as well just feet from us. We all laid down for rest on the Bridge. Mexican Officials just watched us sleep and sit for awhile.

During this time, US Border Patrol personal started growing rapidly on their side of the gate. We knew they were calling for back up once we stepped onto the Bridge. We looked down by the River and patrol trucks started showing up. 2 US Police Officers showed up on the opposite side of the Bridge watching us. While more and more Border Patrol and Police Officers started showing up. We were greatly outnumbered so we just sat quietly. I started messaging The School’s Staff to let them know what was happening on the Bridge. They all wanted to know the outcome. They wanted Hope. We sat. My phone was at 2% and by this time we knew for sure that we couldn’t simply walk off the Bridge. Too many people from too many different branches of government on both sides had shown up. Watching us.

Some had their guns drawn on both sides. It became a ghost town for us. No sounds near us. No one moving around us except for the Authorities. We weren’t sure if someone could help us if we needed them too. We contacted our Staff again and sent them pictures showing them and telling them where we were. We told them my phone was about to die but we were still on the Bridge with the Mexican Asylum Seekers. And we asked if anyone could get to us? Eventually Teacher Elizabeth Despaigne responded. It was 4am by this time and she had court at 4:30am on the US side. She told us she couldn’t get on the Bridge. They (the Asylum Seekers who had court) had been stopped next to Garcia’s Restaurant. No one was allowed to go beyond that point. We read her message quickly and turned off my phone. We then started talking about what we were going to do once my phone died and we had no way to contact our friends or family if we needed help. Victor said there was nothing to do. He was right. We decided to stick it out no matter what. And we did.

I’ll write Part 2 to this story tomorrow. Have a nice evening Everyone. And please remember that people are Often going thru personal things you have no idea about so Please Always Lead With Kindness ❤️ Your Heart and Their Heart Will Appreciate it 🙂👍🏽❤️ Good night.

Felicia Rangel